Parent Orbit is a new mobile app for parents. We want parents to have greater flexibility when accessing data, communicating, and completing tasks on the go.
Please ensure you allow push notifications.
Parent Lounge
8:30 am8:55 am
9:15 am
10:00 am
11:15 am
11:45 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
1:35 pm
1:50 pm
3:22 pm
Staff devotion and morning meetingSupervision commences
Classroom learning begins
Fruit break
Lunch break play
Lunch break eating
Classroom learning recommences
Recess break eating
Recess break play
Classroom learning recommences
End of School Day
Supervision of children commences at
8.55am and finishes at 3.35 pm.
If students require supervision outside of these times,
they are required to book in with TheirCare.
Buses arrive between 9:00am and 9:10am.
All students who catch a bus head to their designated bus pick up zone, sit down and where they will wait to be called for their bus.A Year 6 student will be allocated to mark off the students who are present.
Students will then be safely guided to their bus by a teacher on duty.
PARENT PICK UPStudents who are being picked up by parents are asked to go to the front gate by the 5/6 classroom. There is a teacher rostered on duty who will only allow students to leave when the student can see the adult who is collecting them from school. We ask that parents please come to the gate to collect their child/ren. If students need to wait for their parent to arrive, after all students have been collected, they will be asked to sit in the front office. If students are still in the office at 3.45pm, they will go to TheirCare at the back of the school hall to wait for their parents.The playground is closed for all students at the completion of the day, this is for obvious safety reasons.
Children are assigned a house team when
they start at St John’s
We have three school house teams:
Martin Luther was the founder of the Lutheran Church.
(The team colour is Red)
Dight’s Forest was the original name for Jindera.
(The team colour is Green)
(pronounced “GUESSLING”) in recognition of the first Lutheran Pastor and teacher of
St John’s Lutheran Primary school.
(The team colour is Blue)
The St John's School uniform is compulsory.
The dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of our school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school and promoting equality amongst all students.
St. John’s Lutheran School uniform items are available for purchase at Albury Uniforms & Schoolwear.
Address: 1104 Mate Street, North Albury NSW 2640 Phone: 02 6040 9381
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
or by appointment.
For more information about our uniform, please click here
Lunch orders at St John's are processed online through FlexiSchools. Our lunch orders are prepared locally at the Fox & Brew on 92a Urana Street, Jindera.
Getting online is easy and only takes a few minutes to register. Simply follow the link below and click "Register Now". You will be sent an email with further instructions on how to complete the registration. Lunch orders must be placed before 9 AM that morning.
If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.
We are so excited to be partnered with TheirCare to provide our School community with exceptional outside school hours care!
TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children. Children develop life-skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play-based programs.
The program is available for all children at St John's Lutheran School from 7:00am until 8:55am and 3:20pm until 6:00pm each school day. The service will operate out of St John's School Grounds, within the School Hall.
To learn more about the wonderful services provided by TheirCare and to enrol your child please visit the website:
Please note, families may be eligible for a Government Rebate called the Child Care Subsidy which can reduce the cost per session by up to 85%.
For more information please contact TheirCare Support Team on 1300 072 410.
TheirCare - It's Where Kids Love To Be!
Apply for a bus pass for subsidised travel to and from school, to be completed for each child.
Kindergarten - Monday & Friday
Year 1 - Wednesday & Friday
Year 2 - Wednesday & Friday
Year 3/4 - Wednesday & Friday
Year 5/6 - Wednesday & Friday
At St John's we believe in giving you all the information required for you and your family
to thrive within our School Community.
If you would like to read one of the following Policies, please click on the button below.
Parents are asked to use extreme caution and consider the safety of others when picking up or dropping off your child from/to school. The car park is available for visitors and parents. Please refrain from parking along Adams & Jindera Streets under the trees as it is zoned NO PARKING. If picking up your child, please park your car and then walk to the child waiting area near the Music Room/front office and escort your child back to the car. Children will not be allowed to leave unaccompanied. Buses will pick children up and set them off from Jindera Street, out the front of the school. Please do not park your cars in this area or endeavour to pick your child/ren up from this area as it is very busy.
Pedestrian access to the school is available from Adams Street only and children walking home from school will be asked to wait until all buses have departed before being escorted by a teacher to Jindera Street where they will be supervised as they cross the road and leave the school.
NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHILD/REN IN THE CAR: Parents just a reminder that it is an offence to leave your children in the car/school carpark unattended whilst picking up other children at school. The NSW Legislation states that doing so is punishable by law. Section 231 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 reads: A person who leaves any child or young person in the person’s care in a motor vehicle without proper supervision for such a period or in such circumstances that: (a) the child or young person becomes or is likely to become emotionally distressed, or (b) the child’s or young person’s health becomes or is likely to become permanently or temporarily impaired, is guilty of an offence.
Teachers contacting parents
From time to time, and in order to ensure that we are providing the best education possible for your child, there may be times when a teacher will need to speak with you and will endeavour to contact you.
Our first means is often via the school diary or a quick phone call or email to set up an appointment time to meet with you. If teachers are unsuccessful in contacting you, they will often ask the Office staff to assist in this as they are able to attempt to reach you throughout the course of the day. Your cooperation and prompt attention to these appointment requests is appreciated.
Procedure for contacting a classroom or specialist teacher
When a parent wishes to contact a member of staff to discuss matters relating to their child, the procedure is to contact the teacher involved, giving a brief outline of the issue.
In order to attend to your query or concerns promptly, our preferred method of contact with teachers is via email. This allows the teacher to give full attention to your concern and ensure that they have the time available to attend to your request. All staff email addresses are listed in the annual school parent directory.
Further contact should be made using one of the following approaches:
1. Contact the school, either by phone, email or coming to the office personally, and ask a school administration officer to arrange for the teacher to contact you to arrange a suitable meeting time. Teachers are not usually available to answer phone calls or come to the office during teaching time or whilst on yard duty.
2. Contact the appropriate teacher in writing e.g. via student diary, note or email, asking them to organise a suitable meeting time.
3. Speak briefly with the appropriate teacher, either before or after school hours (not at a time when they are teaching or on yard duty), and ask them to arrange a suitable meeting time.
Procedure for contacting other school personnel
Parents who have concerns regarding a situation they consider affects the whole school, their child’s wellbeing, or is a school policy matter are encouraged to contact the Principal, Deputy Principal or relevant School Leader, using one of the three approaches outlined above.
When parents have a concern or wish to discuss an issue relating to a member of staff or of a sensitive nature, they should make an appointment with the Principal by contacting the school office, either by phone, email or coming to the office personally to arrange a suitable meeting time.
In all cases if the matter is urgent and / or relates to the possible risk or harm to a student, a member of staff or another member of the school community, the Principal should be informed immediately and the urgency of the matter conveyed. The Principal will determine who is the most appropriate person to deal with the issue and the process to work towards a resolution, as well as ensuring that contact is made as soon as possible.
St John’s Lutheran School will deal with all complaints and issues sensitively, promptly and confidentially. Matters will be investigated and dealt with in a timely manner. In working through any issues a resolution which treats all parties with dignity and respect will be sought. Issues and matters which have been raised will be kept in the strictest of confidence and not discussed with any other persons, excepting those directly involved.
Anonymous complaints will not be accepted or acted upon.
- Attendance at School is compulsory.
- Please read closely the Department guidelines for student attendance at school.
- Continue to send in forms when a child is absent for sickness etc.
- However, please note in particular, what must be done to seek permission to take a child from school for a length of time. Please notify the school in wiriting well before you need to take your child out.
Under the NSW Education Act, schools are required to ensure that individual students meet certain attendance standards.This includes mandatory attendance for students between 6 and 17 years of age unless exemptions are applicable. Parents are responsible for:
1. enrolling their children of compulsory school age in a government or registered non-government school or registering them with the Board of Studies NSW for home schooling;
2. ensuring that their children attend school regularly;
3. explaining the absences of their children from school promptly and within seven days to the school;
4. taking measures to resolve attendance issues involving their children.
If your child has to be absent from school, you must tell the school and provide a reason for your child’s absence. To explain an absence parents and carers are required to:
1. send a note to the school, or contact the school via electronic means such as
our School App absent form, fax or email, or
2. telephone the school, or
3. visit the school.
A small number of absences may be accepted by the principal. For example, if your child:
- has to go to a special religious ceremony
- is required to attend a serious or urgent family situation (e.g. a funeral)
- is too sick to go to school or has an infectious illness.
The Principal may also grant exemptions due to exceptional domestic circumstances, including, but not limited to participation in family holidays during school term subject to being satisfied that this is in the best educational interest of the child.
If a parent considers that it is in the child’s best interests to be exempted from the legal requirement to attend school for any length of time, then the parent applies to the Principal for an exemption by completing an Application from Exemption from Attendance at School form.
If the Principal grants the Exemption, then the principal would complete the Certificate for Exemption from Attending School and provide the Certificate to the parent.
A copy of the Certificate for Exemption from Attending School will be attached to the student’s record. Exemptions from school attendance cannot be granted retrospectively.
Some communicable diseases require EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL. (see Infectious Diseases Table)
**All absences must be explained in writing - (see Absentee Forms for parent use at the back of this information).
St. John's teachers continually assess;
Children's progress | Children's readiness to approach new work | Appropriateness of programs
Social interaction of children with both peers and adults
Whenever objective tests are conducted, the results are interpreted with flexibility, discrimination and insight. It is not assumed that only what is measurable is valuable. Decisions are made only after teachers analyse and discuss all relevant information gathered.
Individual record folders are kept for all children. These may contain dated examples of work, behavioural anecdotes, developmental history and teachers' reports. These folders are a valuable on-going record of the student's progress throughout school.
Parents receive a formal written report during Terms Two and Four. A parent/teacher interview is held at the end of Term 1 and may be requested at other times. Other interim 'reports' are given on an informal basis as the need arises.
Parents are encouraged to take a lot of interest in their child’s work and comment appropriately. Our teachers are happy to have regular contact with parents concerning their child's progress.
At St John’s, we believe that all members of the community have the right to a learning and work environment free from intimidation, humiliation and hurt. In Romans 14:19 we are urged to…” let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build each other up”. We all share a responsibility to foster, promote and restore right relationships. We believe that bullying is unacceptable and we [students, staff and parents] all share a responsibility for preventing it. Our Anti-Bullying policy builds on the school's Behaviour Management and Student Welfare Policies to provide clear procedures and strategies to prevent, reduce and respond to bullying.
St John’s staff members have attended an anti-harassment/ Sexual Abuse training as the Lutheran Church’s response to maintaining a position of trust among the children.