Our Learning Characteristics for a Collaborative, Thriving and Inspiring Learning Community. If you would to see what this look like, please click on the button below.
Learner Profile
Our amazing staff place the needs of the child first and we collaboratively make decisions that ensure the most supportive and encouraging learning environments are achieved for your child. Your child’s confidence and passion for learning is our priority.
This year the staff at St John’s have engaged with the Association of Independent Schools (AISNSW) in professional development on numeracy skills. Fiona, our AISNSW consultant has worked with staff throughout the year, and recently led a Numeracy Information Session for parents outlining ways that you can support your child at home. There is a parent workbook from this session available at the Front Office, which contains valuable information and websites/ apps that you may find useful at home. Please feel free to collect one, and watch the video of the information session below.
Maths anxiety in parents
The Department of Education has produced guides to help parents and carers support children at home with Mathematics. The information is designed specifically using every day activities and resources that are easily available at home. It also helps you to understand the new NSW syllabus that was introduced in schools K-2 in 2023, 3-6 in 2024.
Year 3-6
Year 1-2
At St John’s, we believe all children are creative designers, and we encourage curiosity through innovation. We blend the critical skills required to be successful in literacy and numeracy with the creative elements of design thinking and project-based-learning. Our goal is to develop confident, self-directed learners who engage in deep learning in both formal and informal learning styles.
At St John’s in line with the new English syllabus, we use research-based teaching practices that provide a strong foundation in literacy skills. Based on the Science of Reading we implement a synthetic phonics approach using MultiLit programs:
A key feature of teaching reading skills in K-2 is the use of decodable texts. Please see the video below for an explanation of what decidable texts are:
What is a Decodable Book?
The Department of Education has produced guides to help parents and carers support children at home with the learning area of English. It also provides information about the new English syllabus in NSW with QR codes for additional information.
Year 3-6
Year 1-2
We strongly believe in the power of students taking risks in their learning and failing forward. We support our students to learn from mistakes and empower them to build resilience and confidence through overcoming challenges.
We believe in the power of speaking life into one another. Our staff set high expectations for positive student interaction. We guide positive socialisation though restorative practices based on Christ-centred approaches.
We value the knowledge and individual strength of our staff. We have designed a student support network that encourages communication and collaboration between our students, parents, teachers, external professionals, learning coaches and our learning enhancement specialist. We know each child has individual needs and we professionally provide targeted support to positively impact growth in our students.
The Zones of Regulation teaches students scaffolded skills toward developing self-awareness of their feelings/internal state and utilize a variety of tools and strategies for mindfulness, sensory integration, movement, thinking strategies, wellness, and healthy connection with others.