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Principal’s Message Week 2 2025

What a fantastic start to the school year we’ve had at St John’s. A huge thank you to our parents and carers for preparing your children for school – it’s no mean feat! Last week, our staff reflected on highlights of our school culture. Some of the words that stood out were:

Supportive – Collaborative – Empowering – Fun - Committed

My prayer for our staff and now for our whole community, as we all contribute in our own unique ways to our positive school culture, is from Isaiah 40:31 –

but those who hope in the Lord    

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;    

they will run and not grow weary,    

they will walk and not be faint.

Last year, our staff reflected on our school values, leading to the creation of new school value statements that we are introducing this term. Values underpin the ‘WHY’ of what we do at St John’s, and you’ll see that our new value statements are reflected in the above elements of our school culture. Our values were inspired by Lutheran Education Australia’s ‘Free to Flourish’ qualities of what makes a Lutheran school a thriving, Christian, contemporary, educational community. The following poster showcases all four of our values. You will find individual posters of each value displayed in our learning spaces; this term we are focusing on our value of COMPASSIONATE in our school Chapel services.


Blessings to you all as we begin our new school year.

Anna-Marie Bothe

Interim Principal


Week 2

  • Wednesday 5/2 - Kinder off class
  • Friday 7/2 - Interim Principal and Captains Installations Service - Chapel 9:30am Kids Church 6pm

Week 3

  • Monday 10/2 - Friday 14/2 - Gould Swimming Year 3 - 6
  • Wednesday 12/2 - Kinder off class
  • Wednesday 13/2 - Kinder Parent Information Session

Week 4

  • Wednesday 19/2 - Kinder off class
  • Thursday 20/2 - SWIMMING CARNIVAL Year 3-6

Week 5

  • Wednesday 26/2 - Kinder off class
  • Friday 28/2 - Lutheran Hub Year 6 Leadership Day

From the deputy desk
School Happenings!

Welcome to term 1, 2025!

I hope that all families have had a wonderful summer break and are ready for another big year of fun, friendship and learning! As I have walked around the school and visited classrooms, I have noticed such a positive vibe amongst staff and students in these first few days. We have such enthusiastic and creative teachers and learning coaches and it is a pleasure to see how well they are working together to make this a term of engaging learning for your children.

Start of year class letters will be emailed to all families later this week. Please refer to yours for information regarding your child’s classroom educators, this term’s learning programs, weekly timetable and upcoming term events. You can also access both school and class related events in the parent calendar, which is available in ParentOrbit.

Arrival Time at school: Students are to arrive at school no earlier than 8:55am, as that is when our staff go out on duty. If they arrive slightly earlier than that, they are to sit outside their classroom until the play bell goes at 8:55am.


Carpark Safety: To ensure that we keep our student safe, we ask that you please park along Adams St to drop off and pick up and that students walk on our school footpath, not through our carpark.

Icy Pole Fridays: In Terms 1 and 4, icy poles are available for 50c during our recess eating time (1:30pm). This is coordinated by one of our Year 6 leadership teams, and is well supported by students. Although it is a kind gesture, children are not permitted to purchase icy poles for their peers.

NAPLAN 2025: for students in Years 3 and 5, NAPLAN will begin in Week 7 of this term. As part of our preparation for NAPLAN, families may be contacted to discuss adjustments that can be provided to support children. Please click on the button below for more information regarding the NAPLAN assessments for 2025.

NAPLAN Information for parents and carers.pdf

Alison Jafari



Do you enjoy school Chapel?

Do you wish it was longer and had more games?

Well Friday Night Chapel is for you!

The concept of Friday Night Chapel is simple.

Church run by kids for kids!

Get involved this term with our messages through games, crafts, stories and much more. Help us act out bible stories, lead dancing, and share in life together.

Friday Night Chapel is open to everyone!


Click here to subscribe to our Church Newsletter



There are only a few days to go until our Colour Run finally happens! Thank you so much to all families and students for participating in our major fundraising event for 2024. Students have so far raised over a whopping $9000, which is amazing!

Here are our final updates:

  • The Colour Run is on Monday 9th December on the St John's oval. Students will have fun on the course in three waves: Little Saints from 1:30pm, Kinder – Year 2 from 1:50, Year 3-6 from 2:10pm.

  • Students should wear a white t-shirt on the day and have a hat to wear also. Students should have some spare clothes to change into after the event.

  • Parents and friends are more than welcome to come along, bringing your own chair and hat. The Colour Run zone will be marked on the ground and spectators are asked to stay outside of that zone. Parents are also able to sign their child/ren out after the event. Sign out sheets will be available at the oval.

  • Students and spectators will be able to purchase Snow Cones for $3. These will be available under the verandah of the Library from 1:30pm. Special thanks go to the Kinning and Jarick families for volunteering their time and snow cone making equipment to help raise more money for this fundraiser.

  • Special thanks must also be given to Bill Schulz from Domestic Water (0427 293 229), who is providing a water fun obstacle, and Jindera Tyres, who are providing us with some tyres to be part of an obstacle.

  • While we have not encouraged the element of prizes as students’ reason for fundraising, it is part of the process with the company that we have chosen to use this year. Prizes will be delivered to St John’s, hopefully arriving in the last week of term so that students can take them home. If there is a delay in delivery, parents will be informed, and an alternative day will be made available to collect prizes.  


The Colour Run Fundraising Committee  

Scan the code or click on the link to book your seats. Limited seating available so don't miss out!

Book your seats here




Compassion is empathy and Christ’s love in action. At St John’s, empathy is the most important aspect of our five Learner Profile characteristics.

Compassion is how we show respect for the diversity of different perspectives, experiences and needs within our community and beyond. It opens our hearts and minds to be inclusive in how we view and treat each other.

Compassion is at the heart of our school approach to wellbeing. We learn how to reflect on our behaviour and make choices that have positive impacts on others. We forgive and heal hurt through God’s grace.



  • I can understand and respect others' perspectives and experiences.
  • I can adapt my behaviour to positively affect others.
  • I can show compassion and consider the needs of others.  


  • We demonstrate compassion and respect each other’s perspectives
  • We constructively resolve conflict, showing Christ-like forgiveness through restorative practices.
  • We respectfully hold ourselves and each other accountable to demonstrate ‘above the line’ behaviour.
  • We place our students’ needs at the centre of all of our decisions.






What a great start to Kindergarten we have had. The students have been learning the routines of the day and doing a lot of hands on activities to develop their fine motor skills.



What a wonderful start to the term Year One has had! The children have settled in beautifully, showing respect for one another and our classroom resources. They are enjoying the new cubby spaces and learning how to use them effectively. We are so impressed with how quickly they’ve adapted back into the school routine and how they are embracing a growth mindset. Keep up the great work, Year One!


We have had such an exciting start to the term. The students have settled in so nicely to the new environment. In PBL we have been looking at sun safety, with the students creating posters on how we can share sun safety with the rest of the school.


Welcome to Year3/4 LK 2025!

The class has made a wonderful start to the year, getting to know each other through many fun activities. The class is also working together to set classroom expectations and student preferences for learning. Thet are already feeling at home in our fantastic learning space.  


We have had a fantastic start to the year settling into our new space and routines. It has been great to get to know each other better through fun activities. We look forward to building our connections and the fun learning opportunities ahead this year!

YEAR 5/6

We’ve had a great start to Year 5/6. Students were welcomed by seeing their Word Clouds created last year displayed in the front window.

We created a Tetris display called ‘All About Me’ hung up in the classroom- WE FIT TOGETHER!

Some students enjoy working in ‘the pit’ in our learning space.


After-School Clinics at St John's

AFL NSW is excited to offer a fantastic opportunity for St John's students to get involved in AFL!

Join AFL NSW for a series of afternoon AFL Clinics every Wednesday starting 12 March and running until the final session on 5 April. The sessions will be held on school grounds from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, giving kids the chance to develop their AFL skills in a safe, fun, and inclusive environment.

The program will cost $65 per participant, which includes an Auskick Pack. This is a great opportunity to see if AFL is something your child enjoys—no previous experience needed!

In addition, AFL NSW will be running a free AFL promotion clinic during school hours on Wednesday, 19 February to help get everyone excited about the program.

Stay tuned for more details on how to register. All registration will be online, and no money will be handled through the school.

This program will be fully delivered and managed by professional AFL staff with accredited WWCC details.

We can’t wait to see your child join in the fun this March at St John's!


At St John's, we pray for our students and their families and staff members.
This week, we are praying for:

Week 2

Eloise & Lewis Schilg

Aurora & Piper O'Grady Moll

Beau & Lola Armstrong

Amelia Beckley

Pavlina Vaccaro

Week 3

Frankie & Maxton Marshall

Emily Proos

Ari & Brooklyn Severin

Ella Donaldson

Gabby Cotter

Week 4

Holly & Sophie Wenke

Theo & Ryder Bakes

Beau Pitman

Charlotte Elias & Louis Boddy

Dominic Boddy

Week 5

Evelyn, Florence & Piper Tyrell

Jasmine Piltz

Theodore & Elsie Merkel

Chloe Field

Kerrie Gordon



Ziggy Saggers and Audrey Vitullo  
Year 1

Anthony Yong and Eloise Sutcliffe and Zoe Bergmeier
Year 2

Sophie Chang and Charlotte Phelps  


Year 3/4 LK

Thea Kinning and Jack Mighalls and Lachlan Kalina and Cruz Smith and Chad McPherson  

Year 3/4 PV

Amelia Yong and Harrison Connelly

Year 5/6 GC

Tully Heath and Darcy Wright  

Year 5/6 DB

Levi Wilson and Matthew Kalina


Little Saints

Poppy Wills and Kayelina Livingstone Kinder

Maxton Marshall, Mia Thomson and Ava Jones
Year 1

Archer Walker and Morgan Mason  
Year 2

Xander Grimmett and Grace Ross

Year 3/4 LK

Joel James and Mia Lieschke  

Year 3/4 PV

Evie Noordam Tennyson Deegan

Year 5/6 GC

Hannah Code and Deon Byers

Year 5/6 DB

Maison Holm and Matthew Kalina


             Use the footpath to enter school


             Use dedicated parking bays  


             DO NOT walk/ride/scooter through the carpark

             DO NOT park in driveways


Be like George!

  • Label your hat

  • Keep your hat in your bag

  • Wear your hat if the UV is 3 or higher

  • Look after your hat



Currently we have an increased number of cases of head lice presenting at school. Please click here for a fact sheet of treatments and preventative measures which may be a support to families. If head lice is detected at school, home will be contacted. In line with school expectations, any child with below shoulder length hair is required to tie their hair back while at school. Please ensure if your child has longer hair it is tied back for the school day.