Principal’s Message Week 6 2025
As many of you already know, this term we are focusing on our school value of “We are COMPASSIONATE” in Chapel each week, classroom discussions, class expectations created by students, and our ‘’Values Spotlight’ weekly social media posts highlighting how compassion has been shown in a particular class.
The Bible verse that underpins “We are COMPASSIONATE” is:
“Be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.”
1 Peter 3:8
Some of the ways our students have displayed compassion this term are:
Our school values are a big part of our everyday school life!
Anna-Marie Bothe
Interim Principal
The FULL school calendar can be found via Parent Orbit
or our website
Welcome to term 1, 2025!
St John’s proudly advocates for student agency as a central part of our identity. Giving students agency means that they have an active role in their own learning and they are engaging in activities that match their strengths and passions. One way we do this is through our student-led clubs, which are entirely driven by students. We encourage students to come up with new ideas for what they might lead and then they are asked to present this to our school leadership team. Their proposal includes logistics of when, where, for how long etc. It has been amazing to see the variety of different clubs that have been developed over the past few years, and even more amazing that students keep coming up with new ideas!
Encouraging student agency also fosters a sense of responsibility, independence, and confidence, helping students to become lifelong learners who are capable of navigating challenges both inside and outside of the classroom.
Year 6 Leadership Groups
Another way we foster student advocacy is through our Year 6 leadership groups. These groups are developed by the students based on their interests and passions. They meet in their groups on a regular basis and come up with initiatives that can help to build relationships within our school community, fundraise for charities, or sometimes for just some plain old fun!
The MasterChefs leadership team is holding a snow cone fundraising event on Thursday 13th March (Week 7). Snow cones will be $4 each, and if students wish to purchase a snow cone they should give their money to their classroom teacher during morning roll call. All monies raised will be donated to Cancer Council Australia.
The Aussie Legends are hosting a Ride2School event on Friday 21st March (Week 8). If students have bikes and would like to ride to school they would be most welcome! The Aussie Legends will be running bike riding lessons for classes throughout the day. If students do not have their bike at school, we have bikes (some with training wheels) and helmets available for use.
Alison Jafari
Deputy Principal
Do you enjoy school Chapel?
Do you wish it was longer and had more games?
Well Friday Night Chapel is for you!
The concept of Friday Night Chapel is simple.
Church run by kids for kids!
Get involved this term with our messages through games, crafts, stories and much more. Help us act out bible stories, lead dancing, and share in life together.
Friday Night Chapel is open to everyone!
Contact Chappy Pete for more information – [email protected]
We held a special Harmony Day service two weeks ago where we tried delicious food from many cultures. One of our school Dads, Jake Yong, taught us to use his traditional Chinese Dragons after the service! Even Mrs Bothe gave it a go!
This week marks the start of the Christian season of Lent. This Tuesday, some of our amazing Chapel volunteers cooked pancakes at the school to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. All proceeds are being donated to children in need overseas via Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS).
This Friday we’re celebrating Ash Wednesday (on the wrong day!). Pastor John from Walla Walla will lead us in a series of activities explaining the meaning of Ash Wednesday. We’d love you to join us for a free BBQ and music led by our year 5 band from 6pm!
Click here to subscribe to our Church Newsletter
Challenge closes on Friday 22 August 2025
What is the Premier's Reading Challenge?
The NSW Premier's Reading Challenge is on again! It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. Its aim is to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure and to enable them to experience quality literature. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 10, and many students have rushed to express their interest in participating this year. The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) involves students reading books from predetermined lists, logging them online and at the end of the Challenge, receiving a certificate of completion. Any books on the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist that your child has read or you have read to your child during the summer holidays can be counted towards this year’s challenge, just note the title and the author.
The PRC Booklist can be found
How do students participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge?
In order to complete the Challenge, students are required to read the following number of books:
To log in
Use this link
Go to ‘Logon’ on the left pull down box.
Then enter your child’s username and password (Sent home this week by their class teacher)
NSW Premier's Reading Challenge 2025
Click here
This is the link to find books to read......
If you have any queries regarding the Premier’s Reading Challenge visit the PRC website NSW Premier's Reading Challenge or send me through an email with your concerns and I will endeavour to answer your questions - [email protected]
Your school’s PRC coordinator is Mrs Therese Schmidt ..Mrs T.
Compassion is empathy and Christ’s love in action. At St John’s, empathy is the most important aspect of our five Learner Profile characteristics.
Compassion is how we show respect for the diversity of different perspectives, experiences and needs within our community and beyond. It opens our hearts and minds to be inclusive in how we view and treat each other.
Compassion is at the heart of our school approach to wellbeing. We learn how to reflect on our behaviour and make choices that have positive impacts on others. We forgive and heal hurt through God’s grace.
The tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday is because it’s the day before the Christian season of Lent. Many people choose to fast during Lent, and pancakes were a way of using up eggs, milk and flour before that time of fasting.
This year, St John’s Chapel members cooked pancakes for students and staff. Pancakes were $1 each, with all proceeds donated to the Australian Lutheran World Service’s Children's appeal. A special thank you to Chappie Pete, Mrs T, Alison Viedt and our wonderful Year 6 Cooking Team.
Our Swimming Champions from St John's Swimming Carnival were presented with their medallions and certificates at last week Assembly.
What a fantastic day at RAS Swimming Carnival in Wagga. All our students swam with determination and great sportsmanship. The team cheering and encouragement shown towards one another was amazing to see as was the resilience of each team member.
Ivy Tervet had a great day qualifying for CIS and will represent St John's in Sydney on March 26. We look forward to hearing about her experience in our next newsletter.
Mrs Sarroff
The Little Saints children are having an amazing time exploring and learning about the butterfly life cycle! We’ve been watching our chrysalis closely and even discovered butterfly eggs in our outdoor play spaces.
The excitement and curiosity in the children is buzzing as we learn about these incredible creatures up close and watch them emerge from their chrysalises to fly away. We even had one sit in the tree to watch us!
The Kinders 19 days at school have been full of fun and learning. They have started their ‘On The Mat’ literacy sessions where they have been looking at rhyming words and are about to start their first sound ‘m’ next week. In Maths, they have been looking at the days of the week, patterns and the numbers 1-10.
The new classroom is amazing, and everyone is enjoying all the space and the nice calm colours. They are learning to take care of the new spaces and the resources in them. They are doing a great job of working together to pack away after their learning or play sessions. The cubbies are a favorite place to sit and the new Lego trough is very popular.
We have been busy exploring numbers using MAB blocks and place value charts to represent them. We’ve also completed our first art project, where we used warm and cool watercolours to paint beautiful backgrounds, then added leaf imprints on top. We’ve really enjoyed using our whiteboards to practice tricky words during initiaLit. The teachers are very proud of how the students are supporting each other, both inside and outside the classroom.
What a great start to the term! The year 2’s seem to be really enjoying our classroom and the environment we have created. This term we are focusing on creating a narrative and what a narrative includes. We have been completing story plans before we write on our book to write down all the details that are important in a narrative. The students worked in pairs to complete this and came up with some amazing ideas for a narrative. It was great to see the collaboration and creativity in these lessons.
In maths the last couple of weeks, we have been focusing on 2- and 3-digit numbers and the value of each of the numbers. We got out the MAB blocks and were able to show the value of the numbers on the board with the correct blocks.
The students have been utilising all the different learning spaces in our wonderful classroom. Each student is finding spots where they work best. Some spaces work well for collaboration and getting to know each other. The students have been busy learning about Australia and its natural landforms. In English we are learning to write a persuasive text titled Everybody Should Go Camping. There have been some very creative reasons given for both sides of the argument.
With a very busy start to the term, our class has been enjoying slowly getting into our weekly routines. To begin the term, in English, students have been working on a narrative about a trip. It has been great to see their creativity shine with stories about trips to the future, inside claw machines and to Willy Wonka Land. In PBL, we have been building our knowledge about the Earth’s surface and Australian landforms. In sport, we been enjoying joining 3/4 LK as we learn to play European Handball.
Swimming lessons at Gould benefited students as they practiced their strokes in preparation for the Swimming Carnival. It was a tiring week for students, but many happy faces receiving ribbons from the carnival.
With the introduction of our new School Values, students worked collaboratively as they brainstormed together different ways we are…COMPASSIONATE, CONNECTED, ADVENTUROUS and EMPOWERED students at St John’s.
Students were introduced the world of recycling by walking down to the Jindera Op Shop and examining all the treasures to be found. As they say, “Someone’s trash is someone’s treasure.” A trip to Halve Waste will give them further insight and knowledge for their learning in PBL.
At St John's, we pray for our students and their families and staff members.
This week, we are praying for:
Week 6
Jimmy & Emilia Schmidt
Jackson and Evie Pendergast
Coby Miller
Ava Jones
Elsie Clarke & Scarlett Jones
Therese Schmidt
Week 7
Evie and Jonti Noordam
Ivy and Ruby McWaters
Grace Allan
Amelia Carroll & Thomas Sawyer
Penny Baker
Week 8
Johan Klaassen
George and Andy Tuohey
Chloe Oates
Chad McPherson
Georgia Evans & Jax Marshall
Tanya Stein
Week 9
Indigo and Harper Sutcliffe
Emma Sumbler
Max Ley
Philippa Louwrier
Patrick Louwrier
James Walsh
Piper Tyrrell and Bryce Knobel
Year 1
Henry Whitehouse and Ezra Harper
Year 2
Betty Margery and Ivy Lieschke
Year 3/4 LK
Meredith Heinrich and Kayla Bowditch
Year 3/4 GC
Emily Proos and Benji Busch
Year 5/6 PV
Jim Berry and Emma Sumbler
Year 5/6 DB
Lincoln Heinrich and Eloise Schilg
Beau Armstrong and Emilia Schmidt
Year 1
Lennon Clinton and Maxton Marshall
Year 2
Amelia Pallett and Leon Bradbury
Year 3/4 LK
Winston Field and Betty Blackman
Year 3/4 GC
Grayson Cox and Benji Lustig
Year 5/6 PV
Scarlett Barber and Jack Mighalls
Year 5/6 DB
Noah Merrett and Harrison Connelly
Isaac White and Wesley Mason
Year 1
Judd Miles and Octavia Chettleburgh
Year 2
Alex Hoek and Isla Gorton
Year 3/4 LK
Will Jensen and Dulcie Margery
Year 3/4 GC
Coby Miller and Fletcher Barber
Year 5/6 PV
Joel James and Louise Jarick
Year 5/6 DB
Elsie Merkel and Luke Schulz
Oliver Cummins and Zara Courts
Year 1
Christopher Cummins and Liam Thomson
Year 2
Ava Dowell and Archie Brandon
Year 3/4 LK
Lachlan Kalina and Lily Knight
Year 3/4 GC
Harper Sutcliffe and Evie Pendergast
Year 5/6 PV
Indi Knight and Deon Byers
and Audrey Sarroff
Year 5/6 DB
Tully Heath and Billie Groenewald
Use the footpath to enter school
Use dedicated parking bays
DO NOT walk/ride/scooter through the carpark
DO NOT park in driveways
Be like George!
Label your hat
Keep your hat in your bag
Wear your hat if the UV is 3 or higher
Look after your hat